星期四, 09 2月 2023 12:32

NSF CAREER Grant: Nonlocal Partial Differential Equations in Collective Dynamics and Fluid Flow


I am honored to be awarded an NSF CAREER grant (DMS #2238219) on a five-year project: Nonlocal Partial Differential Equations in Collective Dynamics and Fluid Flow


Collective behaviors are ubiquitous in nature and society. The mathematical study of collective dynamics has been active and fast-growing in recent decades. Many models have been proposed and analyzed to explain the intrinsic nonlocal interactions and the resulting complex emergent phenomena. These models are described by nonlocal partial differential equations. They have deep connections to classical systems in fluid dynamics. The goal of this project is to develop novel and robust analytical techniques to understand the collective behaviors driven by nonlocal structures. The training and professional development of graduate students and young researchers is an integral part of the project.

The project studies three families of partial differential equations with shared nonlocal structures that can affect the solutions of the equations: existence, uniqueness, regularity, and long-time asymptotic behaviors. The first problem is on the compressible Euler system with nonlinear velocity alignment, which describes the remarkable flocking phenomenon in animal swarms. Global phenomena and asymptotic behaviors of the system will be investigated, with a focus on the nonlinearity in the velocity alignment. The second problem is on the pressureless Euler system, aiming at the long-standing question of the uniqueness of weak solutions. The plan is to approximate the system by the relatively well-studied Euler-alignment system in collective dynamics. The third problem is on the Euler-Monge-Ampère system which is closely related to the incompressible Euler equations in fluid dynamics. The embedded nonlocal geometric structure of the system will be explored, with interesting applications in optimal transport and mean-field games.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

   NSF award page on the grant DMS #2238219
Read 1787 times Last modified on 星期四, 09 2月 2023 12:35