Course Information
Instructor | Dr. Changhui Tan |
Lectures | M Tu W Th F 10:30am - 12:00pm, at RZR 310 |
Office | HBH 328 |
Office Hours | Tu Th 2:00pm - 2:50pm, or by appointment |
Textbooks (Required) | Calculus: Early Transcendentals by James Stewart (8th edition) |
Course Description
- The official course description on MATH 101.
- This course is intended to introduce students to the concepts and methods of calculus. We will cover chapters 1-6 plus part of chapter 7 of the textbook. In particular, we will try to build an understanding of functions and operations on functions like differentiation and integration. We will focus on mathematical understanding of calculus concepts and the techniques of calculus, as well as modelling and the applications of these techniques. The course should prepare students for further study, and should provide the background necessary for Math 102.
Homework Assignments
- Homework will be given in daily basis, and will be collected everyday before class (starting Thursday June 30). They will be assigned through WebAssign website. Each student is responsible for obtaining a WebAssign account and becoming familiar with the WebAssign system as soon as possible. These online problems are quite similar to the textbook exercises. The key for this course is rice 9995 4535.
- Due to the nature of online assignments, it is tempting to not write very much down. It is strongly recommended that you maintain a notebook in which you write down complete problems and solutions to the online homework problems as you work through them. Such a notebook will be very helpful when you are studying for exams!
- Additional written homework will be assigned, with problems which can not be handled by online systems. They should be submitted at the beginning of the class.
- There will be a midterm exam and a final exam, which will both occur outside of class time. The exact time will be determined in the first week of class. Exams are pledged by Rice University Honor Code.
Download Exams and Solutions.
- Your grade are distributed as below:
In class performance » 10% Homeworks » 30% Midterm exam » 20% Final exam » 40%
Contact Information
- Contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions. You can leave a comment via owlspace.