Course Information
Instructor | Dr. Changhui Tan |
Lectures | M W F 9:40am - 10:30am at Jones Physical Sci Ctr 002 (sections 1, 2, 28) |
M W F12:00pm - 12:50pm at LeConte College 412 (sections 9, s9, 10, s10, 23) | |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | |
Office | LeConte 422 |
Office Hours | Mondays 4:00pm-5:30pm, Thursdays 2:30pm-4:00pm, or by appointment (subject to change) |
Teaching Assistants | Christopher David Edgar This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (sections 1,2) |
Xueping Zhao This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (sections 9,s9,10,s10) | |
Jeremiah Troy Southwick This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (section 23) | |
Joshua Thomas Grice This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (section 28) | |
Recitation | Thursdays, time varies by sections. (Tuesdays for sections 1,2) |
Maple Lab | Tuesdays, time varies by sections. (Thursdays for sections 1,2, Mondays for section 28) |
Supplementary Instructor (SI) | Shadhan Alkharusi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
SI Sessions | Sundays 8:00-8:50pm, Tuesdays 7:00-7:50pm, Thursdays 6:00-6:50pm, at HUMBC 412. |
Tutoring Center | Monday through Thursday, 10:00am-4:00pm, at LeConte 105, see HERE for schedules. |
Textbook | George B. Thomas, Jr., Thomas' Calculus Early Transcendentals (USC Edition) Pearson, 2014. |
Syllabus | Click Here |
Schedule | Click Here (tentative schedule, subject to change) |
Homework Assignments
- Homework will be assigned for each section covered in class via MyMathLab. It will be due one week after the lecture. The first homework is due on September 3.
- You can access MyMathLab from Blackboard. See here and here for setup instructions.
- Written homework will also be assigned on Wednesdays, and will be collected on Tuesdays (Mondays for section 28) recitation or lab sessions.
- Homework assignments are not pledged. You are encouraged to discuss these problems amongst each other, but the final write-up must be your own. Problems must be written up in a self-contained way and the write up must contain all crucial steps and not just the final answer. The use of calculators or mathematical software is prohibited unless explicitly specified.
Download Written Homework Assignments.
- At the end of each recitation session, there will be a quiz, unless otherwise indicated. It will last 15 minutes and consist of two problems. Partial credit is possible but proper explanations and solid reasoning are just as important as the correct final answer. You will be allowed to drop your lowest quiz score.
Download Quizzes (section 1,2).
Download Quizzes (section 9,s9,10,s10,23,28).
Maple Labs
- Each Maple Lab provides hands-on activities that will further your understanding of calculus and provide an introduction to and instruction in the use of modern computer software (Maple). For more information, consult your lab TA and see the lab webpage.
- There will be three midterm exams and a final exam. The schedules for the midterms are as follows.
Midterm 1 Wednesday, September 19, in class. Midterm 2 Wednesday, October 24, in class. Midterm 3 Monday, November 19, in class. - The final exam will be on Friday Dec 14, 9:00am for sections 1,2,28; and on Wednesday Dec 12, 12:30pm for sections 9,s9,10,s10,23. The location of the exam is the same as the lecture room.
- Books, notes, and calculators will not be allowed on exams. Make-up exams will be allowed only in the case of a documented medical emergency.
Download Exams and Solutions.
- Your grade will be based distributed as follows:
- Homework » 20%, with 15% in MyMathLab, and 5% in written.
- Quizzes » 10%, drop lowest.
- Maple Labs » 10%
- Midterms » 30%, with 10% each.
- Final » 25%
- Attendance » 5%
- Gateway Exam » Letter grade lowered by half-letter for each exam that you didn't pass.
- You can monitor your grades via Blackboard.