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Changhui Tan

SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Volume 53, No 3, pp. 3040–3071 (2021).


We study the global wellposedness of pressureless Eulerian dynamics in multidimensions, with radially symmetric data. Compared with the one-dimensional system, a major difference in multidimensional Eulerian dynamics is the presence of the spectral gap, which is difficult to control in general. We propose a new pair of scalar quantities that provides significantly better control of the spectral gap. Two applications are presented: (i) the Euler-Poisson equations: we show a sharp threshold condition on initial data that distinguish global regularity and finite time blowup; (ii) the Euler-alignment equations: we show a large subcritical region of initial data that leads to global smooth solutions.

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 This work is supported by NSF grant DMS #1853001
Published in Research


Alexander Kiselev, and Changhui Tan

SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Volume 50, No 6, pp. 6208–6229 (2018).


The Euler–Poisson-alignment (EPA) system appears in mathematical biology and is used to model, in a hydrodynamic limit, a set of agents interacting through mutual attrac- tion/repulsion as well as alignment forces. We consider one-dimensional EPA system with a class of singular alignment terms as well as natural attraction/repulsion terms. The singularity of the alignment kernel produces an interesting effect regularizing the solutions of the equation and leading to global regularity for wide range of initial data. This was recently observed in [Do et al., Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 228 (2018), pp. 1–37]. Our goal in this paper is to generalize the result and to incorporate the attractive/repulsive potential. We prove that global regularity persists for these more general models.

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 This work is supported by NSF grant DMS #1853001
Published in Research